Monday, February 14, 2011


Last week on tuesday...
we nursing students were asked 2 give microteaching...
topic choosen by me is HOW 2 CARE HAMSTER..

n i came out producing diz AVA 2 help me explaining 2 otherz..
a lot of time n effort were put in order 2 siapkan sumer ni...
da thingz is... sayer mmg wt kja lmbt2...
sbb 2 adat btangguh klo di amalkan...
nescaya akan merosakkan diri sayer d masa hdpn...
senget gk la kapla mlm 2 memikrkan cara nk trik phatian audien nnt..
snce i like thingz 2 b smple..
i cme out wth akronim 2 help me xplain

H- House
A- Accompany
S- Supplies
T- Toys (chew)
E- Exercise
R- Relationship

*time tgh smgt xplen tetiba time S lupe lak it stand 4 aper.. sbb asalnya sayer letak sleep, but i find it would b more appropriate to chnge it 2 supplies 2 cover basic of hamster care...

so, i covered - -> >

· HOUSE - It can be wire cage, modular plastic tube or aquarium. It should be placed out of direct sunlight with adequate ventilation. It should be clean at least once a week.

· ACCOMPANY – A Dwarf winter white Russian Hamster is better to be kept with other of same species.

· MEALS – Feed with commercially prepared hamster food mix once or twice a day. Fresh fruits and vegetables can be given on small amount sometimes.

· SUPPLIES - Bedding and box. 2 inches of warm and dry pine wood shaving is a good absorbent, non toxic and prevent odour. A small closed cardboard box with doorway for hamster to sleep. Hamster will usually use box as bedroom and fill the box with bedding.

· TOYS (Chew) - Provide plenty of chew toys. It can be attach to the side of the cage for the hamster to chew to keep it teeth in shape.

· EXERCISE - It can be either exercise wheel or hamster ball. A plastic wheel is recommended rather than wire wheel to prevent injury.

· RELATIONSHIP - For young hamster, tame them by handling daily and reward with vegetable treats for calm behavior. Introduce hamster to people and situations gently. A scared hamster can give painful bite. Hamster also should be kept away from people with colds because they can easily get infected.

n everything turn out okay on that day...

cuma spttnya sequence dia tnya soklan d awal sesi..

however i forgot n do it b4 i end d session..

n d memalukan part agy... time tgh smgt2 bentang 2 jgaklah.. gedebuk!!! terlanggar white board kt blkg sayer... hadoi.. x ckp memalukan dri sndri sket...huhu... sbb per tau... our microteaching were recorded on tape by org UKAST... n dtayangkan semula utk sesi komen after microteaching session... aiyakz.... cover malu... cover malu...

d reason i choose diz topic is that..

sayer tgh blaja2 cmner nk jg hamster...

ada 2 ekor stakat ni.. syg diorg..ngeee

so, diz r d pics of them- - >>

Lamia mkn koci...
nk mcm arnab pn ader tgk ni

ok..da dpt koci...kamera pn xnk layn an..

Lamia dgn aksi pelik...
bersepah koci sbb dia maen kadbod 2

muka Ponti mnta kna tenyeh...


kay_are said...

nursing pun kne jage hamster gak ke? mencabar gak tu.. silap2 mati free hamster tu nanti.. huu

Arryana Nasution said...

hahah.. maner der...hidup jer hamster sayer... tp nursing xder la kna jaga.. tjuk 2 lecturer x bg amk bkaitan nursing~

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