Monday, April 18, 2011

terbayang d minda~

harinie da abes satu paper...
x snang pn.. tp kna jwab gak..
esok xder paper..selasa baru ada..
al-skiplah bab2 exam..

what in da world is that...

as far as i know..
one of the beautiful beaches in Malaysia...
(2 pn tau sbb google)
harap3 cherating i2 mmg cantiklah...
ngee... act, tgh cari2 aper aktiviti menarik y bley buat kt sna...
n i manage 2 find lukis2 batik, naik bot tgk kunang2...
herm.. aper lagi ea???

nway, let's just check it out...


n i still dun know wht's best to do
if..if i go n visit cherating..
sigh.. -_-"

sunset n sunrise mcm mnarik
tp x cukup adventure plak..


ROI said...

berkayak!! x pon nek bot sambil memancing..amcm? hehehe

Jom bca entri2 kat blog saya lak

fyy mokhtar said...


Arryana Nasution said...

Roroi: bkayak? mnarik gak 2...
memancing?? erk... x pndai... heehee~

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