Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

holla..holla... the task for today is my favorite photograph of my best friend... there are several & this task is quite challenging bcoz some of it i didn't manage to get the photo of my most favourite & replace it with some of the photo that i find okay.. let's just check it out!!!

the 1st photo belong to Amira Raudhah, my ex-wife [..d(^_^)b..] .. my ex-roommate at USM.. i like this photo bcoz she looks sweet ... i would like to stress it again 'this photo'... means, only in this photo only!!.. kih3...

p/s: to ♥♥♥mieya♥♥♥: kih3... u're not sweet!!!

Next, is the photo of Farhana a.k.a Fana... i like this photo becoz she looks kinda arabic.. & the pose suits the theme very well!!

Next, the picture of Wani, Fana, Pqa & Atin with Iqram[excluded].. hihi Iq is not my BF ... it's just that i like this pic of my frenz & it is just coincidence that Iq was in it..

Next, the photo of Mahir & me in KMPP...We were BF since secondary school, she was my catcher during softball.. we used to be in the same class when we were in form 2.. We always share things if we were on a same program to lighten the bags we carry.. In KMPP, we were in the same practicum & live in the same blocks..Practically, we were always together since am to pm.. Love u Mahir.. Muax..muax..muax..

Last but not least, Alisa a.k.a Sya..My best fren since form 1.. We were in the same class & dorm... Still keep in touch with her even though she move to another school after form 3.. Love u Sya!! Muax..muax..muax..

To all BFF.. ♥♥♥ u all!!!!!


IFA Athirah said...

whoa!brgmbr dn iqram dinzly! x aci2x..

Arryana Nasution said...

heh.. diorang mmg x aci!!

amira said... memng nmpak sweet lam gmba tuh...sumee org boleh pon rase tertipoo..okeh...daa...slamat mlm !! tp gmba bru pkai jubah nmpak lg bek..agagagaga...

Arryana Nasution said...

erkkk.. mmgla tetipu tpah...
yg jubah tue xnk komen lah..
hihi.. awk kan nk berubah!!

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