Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 8 – A picture of your favourite memory

Holla..holla... for today task is about a picture of my favorite memory.. the thing i like about this picture is that it is unlike the usual picture i had where i would just prefer to smile to the camera. He asked me to put up a sulking face to the camera & i asked him to give a macho looks to the camera.. Hihi, even the image quality is not as good as DSLR bcoz it's only taken by my Samsung Wave 575, i'm still enjoying the moments of persuaded him to pose & take pictures as we hardly could meet each other.. The good thing is that he's sporting enough to just go with the flow & fulfilled my requests, lucky me ...aitez!!! So, there you go..a picture of my favorite memory for today task.. tadeluu~~


Anonymous said...

i like ur face expression...huhuhu=)

ZEEQA AJIE said...

sekali pandang ada rupa Fasha Sandha la. :)

Arryana Nasution said...

miss zela: hihi.. i was bullied by him..

zeeqa ajie: i'm not a fan of fasha sandha.. waaaa~~

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